Monday, June 14, 2010

XLR8 2010!!!

This past week our church had XLR8 Sports camp and it was a BLAST! This is the second year our church has offered this program and my prayer is that we will have it for years and years to come. Infinity Sports puts on the camp and they bring a staff of college students to conduct the camp. The children, grades 1 -6 chose two sports to participate in each day and they also attend worship, track times, Bible study, as well as enjoying lunch and snack time. The camp is Monday through Friday from 9 to 4 and by the end of the week you are exhausted but so sad to see the week come to an end! I was blessed to be able to work as a volunteer for the entire week and am so thankful that I was able to share this with some of my favorite children - Liberty Baptist kiddos ROCK!!!

Eli's two sports for the week were flag football and baseball. He really enjoyed the opportunity to do some different sports. His small group leader was Coach Jeff and he was AWESOME!! We had several children in our small group (5th grade Orange Crushers) accept Christ as their Savior and truly, that is what the week is ALL about! I was one of the adult volunteers for this group as these are the children I teach in Sunday school and have for the past two years. I LOVE each and everyone of these kids and am so proud of them!

The Sport that I worked with may come as no surprise to most of you - cheerleading and gymnastics. Above are the 3rd - 6th grade girls practicing the dance routine they learned for the week.

Eli practicing his throw!
Worship Time with Ms. Kathy!

Our fearless leader Mrs. Laura - you are a blessing to me and my children!!! We love you!!!

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