This past weekend, Eli & Coach Dad had a soccer tournament in Trussville. They played two games on Saturday and two games on Sunday - well 1&3/4 on Sunday due to weather. Their team won the first game and Eli scored a goal - while playing defender!!! They lost the second game in a nailbiter. I was able to make the two Sunday games and watched them tie their first, in which my little man scored another goal and then the weather hit. We went into a weather delay in second place but only ahead of the third place team by 1 point. Fortunately we were able to get most of our second game in and when they had to call it for weather we were up 4 to 1. Enough to seal our second place finish in the tournament. This meant silver medals for our boys - The Chelsea Sting! We are so proud of our team and thrilled that Eli has decided to stick with soccer. He is an awesome defender and loves the sport. If you ever have the chance to watch him play you should. He is quite the little athlete and this Mom is so proud!

I know the picture quality leaves a little to be desired but it was raining and all I had to snap a picture with was my phone...
A big thanks to Donna, Charlton, Anna Beth and Katie for stopping to watch Eli play (in the rain)- It meant the world to him and his parents :-)!
Way to go Eli!